Trademark — Articles — Benjamin C. Rothermel, Esq. Law Firm


Insights into Intellectual Property Rights & Business Formation

Posts in Trademark
Navigating Your Trademark Rights

First, to have trademark rights, you must have a protectable trademark (or “mark”, for short). The Lanham Act governs federal trademark protection in the United States. It provides that trademarks protect “any word, name, symbol or device or combination thereof used by a person, or the person has a bona fide intention to use in commerce.” There is also common-law trademark protection, which doesn’t require registration.

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Trademark Application: A Step-by-Step Look at the U.S. Trademark Process

Registering your trademark allows you to  grow your company with increased confidence of legal protection and reduced fear of a competitor profiting from theft of your intellectual property. However, many business owners don’t know the first steps to applying for a trademark in the United States, which is necessary knowledge for successfully securing your trademark rights. Here’s a brief overview of what the trademark process looks like.

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