Articles — Benjamin C. Rothermel, Esq. Law Firm


Insights into Intellectual Property Rights & Business Formation

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Provisional Patent Applications: What They Are and When To Consider Filing One (Part 1)

Many entrepreneurs and business people are familiar with patents, so you might have heard of a “provisional patent application.” However, there is a lot of natural confusion regarding what exactly it means to file a provisional patent application. This blog post series aims to clear up some of that confusion around this important part of your business’s intellectual property (IP) development.

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IP Protection during Coronavirus/COVID-19

Building your business well and positioning it for success requires a combination of strategic moves. There are things you can do directly, including supporting your customers by providing the best goods or services. There are other elements of building a business that are just as important, but can escape notice, such as protecting Intellectual Property (IP) rights. IP rights include protecting your brand through trademarks, or your inventions through patents.

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Trademark Application: A Step-by-Step Look at the U.S. Trademark Process

Registering your trademark allows you to  grow your company with increased confidence of legal protection and reduced fear of a competitor profiting from theft of your intellectual property. However, many business owners don’t know the first steps to applying for a trademark in the United States, which is necessary knowledge for successfully securing your trademark rights. Here’s a brief overview of what the trademark process looks like.

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